So I was thinking…

I don’t like to admit it, even to myself, but I am getting older. There is always so much more to learn, whether it be a new web technique or bass riff or, hell, even just slang, but I think the point where you start saying “oh, why bother!” is the point you start to lose parts of your mental faculties. Sometimes (frequently) I get frustrated by how much I don’t know and I feel like just withdrawing. I try to make it a point to do something to exercise my brain, though. For example, I have been learning German. I may not have much facility with speaking it or hearing it, but I am pretty good at reading it. Well, the equivalent of a Dick and Jane maybe. But I am learning. I also have started playing Sudoku, which stretches the limits of the ‘logic” portion of my intellect.

My not-very-much-to-the-point though is to keep trying to learn something. It’s okay to be bad at it! Just try.