Initial post

Hmm. What to write about? Other than be kind to each other and eff cancer. It’s been a rough day.

Anyway, I had to move my site to this host after being with ISQ for nearly 20 years, as they are closing their business effective June. This gives me the opportunity to learn WordPress, which I am not sure yet if I like it, having built sites from scratch for a long time. Including blogs. But the world moves on….

I am doing a blog format in the hope that it will inspire me to write again. Maybe they are only insignificant musings, but they are my insignificant musings. Every once in a while, a nugget of wisdom may pop out.

I may also do reviews of local stores or products or post recipes or book/movie/tv show reviews. Who knows?

So stay tuned and buckle up; turbulence is to be expected. Keep your extremities inside the vehicle at all times.

Oh.. BE KIND. I mean it.